not design stuff
i’m into food
I mostly enjoy cooking meals for my friends and family, but I also write recipes for Local Roots, a CSA that connects New Yorkers with sustainable family farmers.
i also like being in motion
If you catch me outside the house, I’m probably not staying still (bonus points if I’m communing with Mother Earth). I especially am grateful for my rock climbing and surfing communities here in Brooklyn & Queens, NY.
I used to draw and paint
I did this pretty seriously in grade school, and nearly attended an art and design college. Nowadays this is a minor hobby, but you can find some of my old work in my old portfolio.
& I share the rest of my nonsense on my Instagram stories
My personal life happens @rachelyhe, and I play chess with my friend Hope @chess_nyc. If you'd like to catch me elsewhere, I'm also on Twitter.
listening to: the good whale, from Serial Productions & the New York Times
playing: hades ii, on pc
READING: the hidden girl and other stories, by ken liu
listening to: the good whale, from Serial Productions & the New York Times
playing: hades ii, on pc
READING: the hidden girl and other stories, by ken liu